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Authentic Indonesian Iced Desserts You Must Try, A Refreshing Journey into Indonesian Dessert Culture

Authentic Indonesian Iced Desserts You Must Try, A Refreshing Journey into Indonesian Dessert Culture

the country's rich culinary tradition and ingredients that make them truly special--

Es Campur is a delightful Indonesian dessert in a glass, combining various ingredients to create a harmonious blend of flavors and textures. This refreshing and colorful drink is a medley of fresh fruits, sweetened condensed milk, syrup, jelly, and sometimes even fermented cassava.

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Each region in Indonesia has its own take on Es Campur, resulting in a diverse range of creations, such as Es Campur Bandung, Es Campur Medan, and Es Campur Jakarta. The combination of tropical fruits like jackfruit, mango, and coconut, along with the sweet and creamy base, makes Es Campur a truly indulgent treat.

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4. Es cendol

The next iced dessert you should try is cendol. You must be familiar with this dessert. Made from glutinous rice flour, shaped into small grains. Then, it was mixed with coconut water and liquid palm sugar as a sweetener. It is also served with shaved ice and condensed milk, making it more delicious. As for the topping, usually cendol ice is garnished with jackfruit or durian pieces to enhance its aroma and appeal to the palate.

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5. Es Timun Serut (Aceh)

The last traditional Indonesian ice dessert that you must try is shaved cucumber ice. Originating from Aceh, this shaved cucumber ice is made from freshly grated or shaved cucumber. The grated cucumber is then mixed with kaffir lime syrup. The lime syrup is made from boiling water, sugar, kaffir lime juice, and kaffir lime leaves.

The lime syrup and the cucumber shavings are garnished with basil seeds to enhance the taste when enjoyed. This shaved cucumber ice is also commonly referred to as "ie boh timon" by the people of Aceh and is often enjoyed during the holy month of Ramadhan as an iftar menu.

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Those are some ice dessert recommendations from Indonesia you should try. Indonesian iced desserts are a journey full of flavor, creativity, and cultural significance. Whether it's the simplicity of Es Timun Serut or the complexity of Es Campur, each dessert highlights the diverse ingredients and techniques found throughout the archipelago.

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When visiting Indonesia, be sure to immerse yourself in the vibrant local beverage culture and experience these authentic iced desserts firsthand. Cheers to refreshing discoveries and unforgettable sips that will transport you to the heart of Indonesia's culinary heritage.

(Aziz Shadiq Ghaniy)

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